06 April 2010

Quick trip stateside...

Well, what a great time! I recently made a surprise visit to the States, and it was so wonderful to see everyone. I surprised two of my best friends with the help of a third, saw many friends including my awesome friend JCliffie, got to visit with my family, and spent some great quality time with my sisters and brother-in-law. It rushed by too quickly, of course, but I felt so blessed to be able to be there! Many of my best friends are moving to faroff places before the next time I come home, so seeing them was very important to me. I was in the country for 17 days, and in that time I visited Dallas, Galveston, Nashville, and Searcy! Lots of traveling and lots of fun.

I had a little bit of reverse culture shock when I entered the Kroger's in Galveston - so huuuuuuuuge! And I kept looking for the little plastic gloves to put on in order to handle the produce (Italy), the scales that print the labels (Italy), and it required three people at the check-out counter in order to scan one of the vegetables I was trying to buy - radicchio (Italian, apparently not popular in America). Although, my "mispronouncing" it probably didn't help.

Kroger employee: "Ummmmmm......*flipping frantically through the itemized pricing catalog*..."
Me: "It's called "rad-eek-eo", if that helps you...."
Kroger employee: "Ummmmm......*calls over another employee*..."
Lady behind me in line: "oh, isn't that "rad-ish-eo?"
Me: "...........ummmm, yeah."
Kroger employee: "Ohhh, okay.....still don't know where it is."
Third Kroger employee: "I think it's back here.....yep, there it is."

And I get many strange looks. But it was all good. The lady behind me ended up scanning her Kroger card for me, so we parted friendly. :) But it really is pronounced "rad-eek-eo".

I also gave a small chapel announcement at Harding on April 1st, just showing a short video (found attached to this post) about what I've been involved in for the past seven months here and then I was in the student center to answer questions afterwards. We had quite a few people fill out cards saying that they were interested in more information, so I think it was a good thing to do, if only just bringing the program to people's attention and reminding them about it.

All in all, a great trip, but it's wonderful to see Italy and the Italians again!!! :) I'm glad to be back.

1 comment:

  1. Brittany FettermanApril 19, 2010 at 6:57 PM

    Love this one! I still think that your video is precious. I bought Ingrid's CD for Kari. She loves it. Miss you already:(
